Wednesday, April 20, 2011

more medical stuff

After John had to go to urgent care because he couldn't urinate, I have been increasingly thinking that he needs to go ahead and have surgery to fix the scarring from his previous surgery for benign prostate enlargement.  He has been resisting the idea, then focused on wanting to go to a different urologist who might try to avoid surgery.  He got a recommendation of a urologist from a friend, and we saw that doctor yesterday for a second opinion.  The doctor said John needs surgery, and this time he accepted that.  He said he had lost trust in his other doctor and wants this doctor to do it, which is ok with me (a 45 minute drive instead of 20 minutes but not too much of a problem). The next step is a cystoscopy to look more carefully at what is going on and decide exactly what kind of surgery, but the doctor did say they could do the surgery with spinal anesthesia, not a general.  The doctor was kind enough to squeeze John into his schedule for the cystoscopy in early May.

I had to write a letter to my doctor to get my test (endometrial biopsy) moved up to before we go out of town, but I did get that scheduled for May 16.  My letter took the approach that it isn't that I am panicked about cancer but rather I am worried about having a precancerous condition and having them recommend a hysterectomy, which I would need to have scheduled as early as possibly in July.  I'm glad my letter worked, but I also have a "gulp" reaction that my worries are realistic.

So it isn't going to be a fun summer.  After his surgery, John is likely to have a foley catheter for at least a week, so he will be not able to do much for himself for at least that long.  I fear that if I need a hysterectomy, I will not be able to have the easier surgery because I have a largish calcified fibriod, so that could be 6 weeks of recovery before I am supposed to lift more than 5 pounds.

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