Monday, November 17, 2008

John is home

After 10 days apart what I notice again is how slow John is. He wanted to go to a meeting at 6 and it is my week to cook, so I had dinner ready at 5:30. It took him until about 6:10 to eat.

While in Texas, John spent a lot of time with his closest friend, who has been in denial about John being sick. John said that his friend became very protective of him, doing things for him.

John has now been on 10 mg of Aricept for about two weeks, no problem with side effects. Perhaps it is helping--he went to the town planning board meeting (to oppose a big box store in a residential neighborhood). That seems different from earlier in the fall, when he said he wanted to be a poll watcher but then didn't do anything about signing up for training.

I told John about coconut oil, and he is interested in trying it.

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