Saturday, January 06, 2007

half marathon

I don't feel like my running has gotten any faster, but I was looking forward to the Clemson half marathon in February hoping to prove myself wrong by doing the same race I had done a year earlier. But now they have cancelled it. I need a goal race this winter or early spring--it is hard to fit in long runs without a goal pushing me and my long-term goal is a half-ironman in September. I don't want to go to Atlanta and race with 15,000 people at the ING Marathon and half marathon. It looks like the closest thing is a 10 mile race in Greenville the end of February. I know the area only generally, but I don't think it is terribly hilly. The other alternative is the Alpharetta Marathon and half marathon, which would be somewhat bigger but have much better support. But it is the weekend of our parish weekend at Kanuga.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do not know that course, but there are some hills in Greenville, pretty much like Clemson, I'd say, depending on where you are of course.

Now how was that for a useful comment?

Hope all is well--happy new year!