Wednesday, October 29, 2008


The program I run at work may be crippled by a new rule prohibiting the faculty version of overtime. The new rule was put forth as a response to serious budget cuts. But my program has enough money to offer the courses students need, even after the budget cut. However, we don't have the people to teach the courses unless faculty are allowed to teach overloads. If we don't get an exception to the new rule there will be several hundred students who can't get the course they need for their curriculum. Conclusion--never underestimate the stupidity of a panicked bureaucracy.

I'm not as stressed as I might be because I feel I have done everything I can. I am somewhat stressed by not having a decision. There are only two more school days before students start to register for courses for the spring, and I don't yet have a decision whether we can offer half the courses we have scheduled. And I'm sad that the program I have built and really believe in may go down the tubes.

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