Wednesday, September 29, 2004


Gave back tests today in one class and gave a test in another class. I haven't even printed those out to grade. Got the last Science, Technology, and Society speaker pinned down, though the next question is a committee to evaluate STS courses, which turns out to be complicated. I did get in an hour's bike ride before I went to a 2 hour plus college curriculum committee meeting. We took a quick trip to WalMart because my daughter has finished crocheting a scarf and wanted more wool desperately. Tomorrow is a little less pressed, except there is a lecture I really want to hear on Womanist God Talk. I hate to think how long Friday's univeristy curriculum committee meeting will take, but I will have to leave early. Put that all together and I don't have time to worry much about the question of whether to change therapists. This weekend's excitement is going to be a 66 mile bike ride. Then next week I will be able to get more information to make the decision.

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