Monday, May 31, 2004


I have walked in the early morning for years, and made the commitment to get up at 5:30 am to walk this past fall when I had to leave the house earlier to get my son to a new school. After diagnosis I got more serious about walking every day and added another steep hill.

At the residency I found that early morning walks on the flat beach just didn't seem like exercise any more. So I started running, which I haven't done in my life. I was proud that I could run at a slow pace for 15 minutes down the beach without getting winded. And I really like the feeling of my body burning fuel more intensively.

So when I got home I went out and bought proper shoes, and consulted my massage therapist about what additional stretches I should be doing. He said I may be the kind of person who gets a strong endorphin high from running. I think that is probably true--I'm making myself take two days off from running a week but I really don't want to. I've had some other kinds of knee trouble in the past and he cautioned me that overuse turns to injury very easily. I never in my life imagined I would turn into a person who loves running. I'm trying to keep my expectations low--whether I continue to or not it is an interesting experience.

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