Sunday, August 17, 2003

long day

In my time in my office today I have:
  • Written an email to colleagues explaining that Netscape has been taken off the smart classroom computers and replaced by Mozilla, but if they want Mozilla on their office computers they will have to ask for it to be installed or download it themselves.
  • Taken my own advice and started getting used to using Internet Explorer for web browsing and Mozilla Composer for writing web pages.
  • Recreated a page that the people who built our new department web page replaced with an inadequate substitute (actually, recreated it twice, as not knowing enough about Mozilla I accidentally deleted everything I had done when I had finished it the first time).
  • Written another email to colleagues reminding them that this year they need to decide between our local course management system or WebCT or Blackboard. All three will be offered this year, and then the university will choose one for future years (making lots of people unhappy).
  • Chosen WebCT for my own courses, but realized that I don't know enough about how it will work differently now it is on the university network instead of on a separate server.
  • Emailed a professor in another department to ask why no graduate students from her program have enrolled in the course that she requested that I offer for them.
  • Researched email screening systems for my kids to use with our new home internet service. None of the company web sites answer the question of whether I have to pay double for two kids with their own email accounts. So far I'm leaning towards Kindermail.
  • Copied my son's school schedule for his church youth group, as he is going to a different school from everyone else. I hope they don't schedule things when he can't go.
  • Not gotten very far revising my course syllabi for the new semester.

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