Saturday, May 31, 2003


The first leg of traveling went well, we spent last night in Concord with my parents before going to Cape Cod. We took a walk in the woods and saw an amazing beaver dam, a long dam creating a good-sized pond fairly high on a hillside. Now that I live outside the area shaped by glaciers, I am so struck when I go back by the rocks of and ridges left by the glaciers. Stony soil.

The forgiveness issues aren't something that are spoken of, they are acted out in subtle ways. I did tell my mother that I am talking to the priest in the town on Cape Cod about doing a house blessing, as I think that would help me settle the memories some. She said nothing. That is good enough; now I can tell the priest that I am not doing this in secret from the other people who use the house. The uncertainty is the scheduling, as my parents are going to join us on Cape Cod sooner in the week than I thought and aren't sure whether they are going to go to New York for an event midweek. I want to do the houseblessing when they aren't around.

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