Friday, April 12, 2013

Good news!

I went for an early followup because I have some lymph swelling and bruises that are traveling down my side.  The surgeon had no concern about those, but he did have the great good news to give me that the lab found no cancer in either my lymph nodes or the wider margin removed around where my melanoma was. 
 Pretty good for four days after surgery!
He continued to give me as little information as possible.  One example:
  • P: Can I please have a copy of the biopsy report?
  • Dr. T: Why would you want that?
  • P: Can I please have a copy of the biopsy report?
  • Dr. T:  Of course, it is your medical record, it belongs to you.
So the whole thing is over now, except for getting a body check twice a year.  I am also relieved  that I can now put salve on the healing wounds, which had started to get itchy.  The stitches are under the surface and will dissolve.
I am so thankful for the people who have prayed for me and brought food.  John has not been able to step up and do anything more, though he accepts I can do less.  He says "that's ok" when I say no to something he asks me to do.
What I have most learned from this is to put myself first more. To do things while I can.

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